Makisu Sushi & Wok

01Our restaurant «Makisu Sushi & Wok» -  is one of the few establishments in the city of Hurghada that can boast such an abundance of Japanese dishes. Every day you can taste over 200 Japanese dishes with us.

The menu of the "Makisu Sushi & Wok" restaurant is a combination of health, benefits and taste. The assortment always includes miso and fish soups, hot and cold rolls, fish and vegetarian dishes, hearty wok noodles and light seaweed salads, Japanese matcha and a ginger drink.

Natural fresh tasty food, without food additives and preservatives - this is what our restaurant offers to its customers.
Quality is the most important thing for us, which is why we cook with the freshest ingredients.

02Makisu in Japanese is the name of the bamboo rug used to spin sushi rolls. This served as the design concept for our restaurant "Makisu Sushi & Wok". The atmosphere will envelop you in Japanese, warm, homey coziness.

03Average serving time of your meals is 35 minutes. On weekends, holidays and peak hours, the waiting time can be an hour or more.
If you do not want to waste your precious time waiting for your order, we recommend that you take care of this in advance and, when booking a table, inform us of your order, the time and number of persons, as well as the Phone number for Table Reservations - 0100-547-52-57

What our customers say
Yevhen Knyzhnyk
Yevhen Knyzhnyk
9 days ago
На самом деле очень вкусненькое место! Мы пришли покушать, съели невероятно вкусный суп с осьминогом и роллы были в наборе. Кроме того, в течение нескольких дней мы заказывали доставку, тоже вкусно было)
Posted on
17 days ago